Shocking Incident: Fitness Influencer Rajat Dalal Arrested by Ahmedabad Police for Abducting and Assaulting Student Over Social Media Post

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Who is Rajat Dalal?
  3. Details of the Incident
  4. Abduction and Assault
  5. Humiliation and Abuse
rajat dalal

,fitness influencer Rajat Dalal has been arrested in Ahmedabad for abducting, assaulting, and urinating on an 18-year-old student over a social media post. This incident has not only raised questions about the misuse of influence but also sparked a significant public outcry.

Who is Rajat Dalal?

Rajat known for his extreme fitness videos and bodybuilding achievements, has amassed over one million followers on Instagram. His daily fitness routines and powerlifting feats have garnered him a considerable fan base, making him a notable figure in the fitness community.

Details of the Incident

The trouble began when an 18-year-old college student posted a video of Rajat Dalal at the gym, captioning it with, “roz subha apna muh gym me dikhaker mera din kharab karta hai,” which translates to “seeing his face in the gym every morning ruins my day.” This seemingly harmless post went viral, catching the attention of Rajat Dalal.

Abduction and Assault

Enraged by the post, Rajat Dalal and his aides reportedly abducted the student from outside his society. They forced the young man into a vehicle and took him to a cowshed. What followed was a harrowing ordeal of physical and verbal assault.

Humiliation and Abuse

In a shocking display of cruelty, Rajat Dalal smeared cow dung on the student’s face and later took him to a flat in the Green Gales Society. Here, the student was forced to clean a toilet while being continuously assaulted. The abuse escalated to the point where Rajat Dalal urinated on the student’s face after he lost consciousness and then regained it.

Threats and Intimidation

Throughout this traumatic experience, Rajat Dalal not only physically assaulted the student but also issued severe verbal threats. He boasted about his connections and influence, claiming that the police could not harm him. He threatened the student and his mother, stating, “I would have killed him, but he’s too young, so I am sparing him. I am a Jat from Haryana. I have big connections here. The police can’t harm me; they are in my pocket.”

The Aftermath

The student’s ordeal did not end with the physical and emotional abuse. Following his release, he managed to post a video recounting his experience, which quickly went viral. This brave act of sharing his trauma led to public outrage and widespread condemnation of Rajat Dalal’s actions.

Police Investigation

The complaint lodged at the Sabarmati Police Station prompted a thorough investigation. Rajat Dalal and his three associates were arrested, facing charges of abduction and assault. The police acted swiftly, ensuring that the influencer and his aides were brought to justice.

Public Reaction

Social media exploded with reactions to the incident. Many expressed their horror and disbelief, condemning the influencer’s actions. Hashtags supporting the victim and calling for justice trended, reflecting the public’s demand for accountability and justice.

Rajat Dalal now faces serious legal charges, including abduction, assault, and intimidation. These charges could lead to significant legal consequences, potentially resulting in a lengthy prison sentence and fines.

Impact on Rajat Dalal’s Career

The incident has already had a profound impact on Rajat Dalal’s career. His social media accounts have seen a sharp decline in followers, and several brands have distanced themselves from him. The long-term implications for his career in the fitness industry appear dire, as trust and reputation are paramount in this field.

Influencer Accountability

This incident highlights the critical issue of influencer accountability. Influencers hold significant sway over their followers, and the misuse of this influence can lead to dire consequences. It is essential for influencers to understand their responsibility and the potential impact of their actions.

Psychological Impact on the Victim

The psychological trauma experienced by the student cannot be overstated. Such incidents can have long-lasting effects on mental health, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. It is crucial for the victim to receive appropriate psychological support and counseling to cope with the aftermath.

Societal Reflections

The Rajat Dalal incident serves as a stark reminder of the darker side of social media culture. It underscores the need to address issues of cyberbullying, harassment, and the abuse of power. Society must reflect on these events and work towards creating a safer and more respectful online environment.


The arrest of Rajat Dalal for abducting and assaulting a student over a social media post is a tragic reflection of the potential for abuse of power in the digital age. It serves as a wake-up call for society to hold influencers accountable and ensure justice for victims of such heinous acts. As we navigate the complexities of social media, it is imperative to foster a culture of respect, empathy, and responsibility.


1. What led to Rajat Dalal’s arrest?
Rajat Dalal was arrested for abducting, assaulting, and urinating on an 18-year-old student who posted a video about him on social media.

2. How did the incident come to light?
The incident was revealed when the student posted a viral video detailing his ordeal on social media.

3. What were the charges against Rajat Dalal?
Rajat Dalal faces charges of abduction, assault, and intimidation.

4. How has the public reacted to this incident?
The public reaction has been one of outrage and condemnation, with widespread support for the victim and demands for justice.

5. What are the potential legal consequences for Rajat Dalal?
Rajat Dalal could face significant legal consequences, including a lengthy prison sentence and fines, if found guilty.

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